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5 Easy Steps to Keep Your Feet Soft and Moisturized

Sophia sandals 5 ways to soft moisturized feet

When it comes to taking care of our bodies, when was the last time you gave your feet some real love? If you’re one of those people who often neglect their feet, then it’s time to give each foot some TLC and the attention it deserves.

After a long day of running errands, your feet need some pampering to keep them soft and moisturised – because who wants dry, cracked and rough feet, right?

Taking care of your feet doesn’t have to be time-consuming. If you include it in your daily self-care routine, not only with you find it relaxing, fun and refreshing… you’ll end up having the softest feet!

Here are some quick tips to keep your feet soft and moisturized all year round. Follow these steps and your feet will be sandal-ready in no time!

Spa foot soak at home

1. Soak­

Every two weeks, apply cuticle oil on your toenails then soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes.

Create your own foot soak with a few drops of your favourite essential oil and a handful of Epsom salts in a basin of water. Sprinkle with a few petals, and you'll have spa time for your feet.

Avoid soaking your feet in hot water. Hot water can be very drying to your feet, so be sure you use warm water to keep the natural oils and moisture in your skin.

exfoliate feet with pumice

2. Exfoliate

Your feet are considered one of the most hardworking parts of your body, and unfortunately calluses and dead skin build up from daily life. 

Use a wet pumice stone to help buff away those rough areas. Then apply a foot scrub to exfoliate and gently remove the dead skin all over your feet.

Avoid using a foot razor to remove dead skin as you can cut easily yourself or remove too much skin and cause discomfort.  

Nail care

3. Nail Time 

After soaking each foot, push your cuticles back and remove the excess skin. 

Your cuticles are easier to push back for trimming once they’re soft, so it’s important you soak your feet first. Use a wooden cuticle stick to push them back then trim only the excess with a cuticle nipper. 

Trim your nails and then finish by using your nail file to smooth the edges.

To avoid ingrown toenails, experts recommend you trim them straight across.

Moisturise feet

5. Moisturise

Massaging an intensive moisturiser into your feet after they’ve been soaked and scrubbed is a must to maintain the smooth, soft look you’ve just created.

A super hydrating cream will give maximum results as our feet struggle to produce enough oil to keep the skin moisturized on their own. Look for moisturizers or balms with ingredients such as olive oil, coconut oil and shea butter to really keep your feet feeling silky and smooth.

Athena sandals maintain soft moisturized feet

5. Maintain

The best way to always keep your feet looking fresh is with regular maintenance. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on this.

A quick daily buffing of your heels in the shower, followed by a slather of moisturizer as well as before bed will maintain the softness of your feet.

During warmer months, especially when wearing sandals, keep your feet fresh during the day with a quick clean using baby wipes. A travel pack is small and compact to carry with you.

Follow these steps for a guaranteed way to keep your feet looking fresh all year long.